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3/17 | 来自首尔的极致音乐场景 4x4x4x4 X AUP pres. Kim Bo Yeon & Suman

  • 发布时间:2021-08-17 01:18:10

4x4x4x4 X AUP pres.

Kim Bo Yeon & Suman

东亚无疑是亚洲各地Techno场景中独特的一面,无论是日本,韩国还是中国,东方传统文化和西方文化的碰撞与电子音乐交相辉映,Aup计划全称“Asian Unite Plan”是4x4x4x4展开亚洲电子音乐文化交流的一个新项目,不定期邀请亚洲各地优秀的Techno/House 音乐人展开文化交流。首次登台的是来自韩国首尔Faust 俱乐部的Kim Bo Yeon和Suman.

As an important part of the Techno scene in the world, East Asia has always provided it's uniqueness. From Japan, Korea to China, Oriental culture ran into Western culture and found their perfect balance in electronic music. 4x4x4x4's new project AUP (Asian Unite Plan) aim to enhance the communication of Asia's electronic music culture. We will invite more Asian Techno / House artists to perform in China. Our first guests are KIM BO YEON and SUMAN, both from Club Faust, Korea.

Faust俱乐部坐落于韩国首尔山的中心,Faust不仅仅是首尔乃至亚洲Techno俱乐部领域的佼佼者,发动机。Sven Vath/ Ben Clock/Move D/Seth Troxler/Solar/Roman Flugel等著名艺人都在次表演,并得到良好的反响。拥有高质量的德国手工音响系统以及良好的声学处理内部结构。同样由Marcus L创立的相关厂牌Ameniia输出从Ambient 到Techno音乐,从2014年成立至今,收到像Berghain/Panorama等顶级俱乐部的关注,旗下艺人均有发行,成为韩国电子音乐的中间力量。

club Faust Situated on top of the hooker hill in the center of Seoul, Faust has become the most important venue among others in Asia. 

Regardless of its capacity, Faust keep bringing various and good international artists every weekend such as Sven Väth, Ben Klock, Move D, Seth Troxler,Solar, Roman Flügel and to name a few.  Faust surely has its own character and

gets great feedbacks & love from every artists who has performed.It was founded in 2016 by Marcus Lee(aka Marcus L) & Myungha Lee, and both understand the value of sound quality in club.It has hand-crafted sound system an built and treated well acoustically. 

Ameniia Records

Ameniia is a in-house record label from Faust by Marcus L. Bringing Ambient to Techno, it has brought wide-range of music since 2014. Ameniia artists are playing all around the globe including Berghain/Panorama Bar.Ameniia Records artists are DAMIE,Kim Bo Yeon, Marcus L,Nicolas Lian (Live/DJ),Messiahwaits,Polarfront, Suman. Recently they are very active on their releases and upcoming releases and great international remixers are on queue.

4x4x4x4电子音乐派对厂牌建立于2013年,成军几年时间内以上海为重心推广纯正跳舞电子音乐文化,风格为Minimal,House,Techno。我们除了致力于推广本土优秀电子音乐人之外,与国际电子音乐派对厂牌保持良好文化交流关系,互相推动艺人以进行国际电子音乐艺术交流。目前为止我们已经成功邀请ArnoudLe Texier/Barnt/ShinNishimura/Deepbass/FreddieGlitch/DrunkenKong/Audiohell/James What/BastiGrub/MarcoEffe/RonCosta/DoomWork/YoshiHorno/Elvis.T/JoachimSpieth/Alex Bau/Anri/Marcus Surcut 等一系列国际音乐人登陆上海,我们更期待能将本土纯正电子音乐文化输送出国际,并且向全世界优秀俱乐部展示中国优秀电子音乐人,使中国电子音乐文化与国际接轨 。

4x4x4x4 promoted the pure electronic dance music culture focused in Shanghai since 2013 (Minimal / House / Techno). We do not only dedicate to promoting local outstanding electronic musicians, but also keep good relationships in cultural exchanges with international electronic music party labels, and have artists from both parts for international exchanges on electronic music art.So far, we have successfully invited a series of international musicians such as Arnoud Le Texier / Barnt / ShinNishimura / Deepbass / Freddie Glitch / Drunken Kong / Audiohell / James What / Basti Grub / Marco Effe / Ron Costa / DoomWork / Yoshi Horno / Elvis.T / Joachim Spieth / Alex Bau / Anri / Marcus Surcut / Del Horno to communicate performance.

Kim Bo Yeon

作为一个有十年经验的House/Minimal 的DJ,Kim善于刻画永恒的音乐场景,浓烈的情感表达,粗糙直白的混音和永远的激情融合各种音乐,Kim不愿多放各类红曲,更愿意set 带有个人色彩和自我意识,目前Kim活跃于Faust 俱乐部,他制作的单曲“Gajae"获得优异的评价。

Kim Bo Yeon’s love affair with all things House and Minimal is seeming less.Since he spins regular bases at the MWG (Historical venue in Seoul), he is a dj mostly described as timeless music selection, unexpected transition, rough mixing style behind the deck. Most of all though, his sets are noted for their strong programming, passion integrity and his unwavering ability to uncover hidden gems both new and old.Standing behind deck with records more than 10years, he rather than playing seamless big tracks, more focuses on telling the story with decent record collection.Kim Bo Yeon current residency is at FAUST Club in Seoul where he discovers his distinctive style at the most. At the same time, he continues to evolve and expand his production releasing vinyl only edition on Faust compilation in 2016.


Suman 制作人/DJ,迷恋Techno,House,Deep House等,然而在韩国的俱乐部文化中,这些风格是沉重而陌生的,作为先行者,Suman坚持自己的风格,保持自己的音乐色彩,制作混音,在Faust俱乐部,Suman的音乐赢得大量的掌声和尊重,和国际艺术家的肯定例如Dorisburg, Jennifer Cardini, Rebekah, Alex Smoke, Move D, Stimming, nthng, Bryan Kasenic, Don Williams, Phase 等,如今Suman 是韩国电子音乐的中间力量。

Dj Suman is a Dj who plays and produces music of deep house,tech house,techno and underground house. Dj Suman were engaged to various type of music from a young age and revealed signs of intelligence in techno and house music.Despite the impression of the genre being heavy and unfamiliar in South Korea scene, he maintains his color and expresses his own style of music.As a sincere artist and Dj, he manages to produce his own music, starting from composition to mixing and mastering.Although proving to be a credible producer, DJ, he knows his records the most

and is a DJ above all. His music involves various instruments that go well together with house music, producing a rhythmical and addictive music that both the public and manias would enjoy listening to.Meanwhile, he had gained enough experience and respect to earn himself a
residency at the most respected club FAUST from its beginning. Playing along side great artists such as Dorisburg, Jennifer Cardini, Rebekah, Alex Smoke, Move D, Stimming, nthng, Bryan Kasenic, Don Williams, Phase and to name a few, he has definitely nailed his color towards local and international audience.Quickly growing to become a staple resident dj in Seoul as it brought a fresh selection of quality house & techno sound.

Max Shen

中国非教父级DJ,非传奇DJ,闯荡欧洲,日本,韩国,印度非第一人,运营活动厂牌4x4x4x4,开展和世界大陆的电子音乐文化交流,被欧洲,日本,韩国朋友誉为中国最好的DJ,没有之一(因为他们只认识MAX SHEN)自幼学习民族乐器琵琶,终止于小学三年期,原因是同班美女同学中断了琵琶训练。强烈不喜欢在电子音乐中生硬加入东方不协调乐器,感觉像KTV伴唱,作为英语合格,音乐合格,家境合格的三格青年,毫无疑问MAX SHEN不是中国夜生活文化的开拓者,引领者,和璀璨明珠,他也不想当明珠。


MAX SHEN 从艺20年,德艺双修,从未在舞台上获得少女的尖叫与认可,通常为他鼓掌喝彩的都是中年男人和妇女,后来了解其原因是他年轻时,少女喜欢中年成熟,当他中年成熟,少女又喜欢年轻,女人的心思比techno的转换还要快!曾经在上海郊区大学免费开创电子音乐课程,全班38人,37个男的,到下课一半人在睡觉,随即放弃。

MAX SHEN在中国众多前辈传奇艺人和众多喜欢洒矿泉水的青年俊才中脱颖而出,(青年俊才DJ还喜欢叫人在CLUB里蹲下,起立,蹲下,起立,展现当代猴戏!)他始终坚持一种虚怀若谷的谦虚精神,认为DJ只是一个工种,和烤羊肉串一样的,他邀请合作国际人不计其数,却从不拍合影.

Max Shen was born in Shanghai. He runs Arkham club and set up electronic music group 4*4*4*4. He carrys out the development of house/ techno dance in China and introduces current electronic music artists exchanges and acts as the DJ of Asians Vibes for Asia techno vanguard group. He is also regular visitor of current art-multimedia activities for interdisciplinary performance artist Tian ZhuoChen, Zhang Ding’s series of “Enter the Dragon”, 021 Art Fair and Madeln etc and music festival for “Strawberry” “Modernsky” “Intro” “Boiler Room China“etc. He will sign Italian music label Digital Traffik and star his new journey in Europe.

Early on, Max was deeply affected by Sasha & John Digweed. He began to show as DJ in 2000 and got crush on British avant-garde of the day for John Digweed’s bedrock label company, Dave Seamman and Steve Lawler etc. Minimalism influnced the music trend of world and Max Shen in 2007 through time and change. He has insisted on the house/Techno music of Germany and Middle Europe combining dark and deep Bass Line and voice of technology into stage from Drity House to Dub Techno for ten years.


Asian Vibes 创始人,居住上海的日本籍。90年代作为Rock乐队的吉他手展开活动, 创作了众多Rock乐曲,并自行制作发行CD。2006年开始在上海DJ,音乐魅力多变,非常有渲染力。2011年创立了派对品牌Asian Vibes, 2013年开始“中国首演系列派对”, 邀请国际DJ来上海演出,与国内DJ合作开拓中国地下电音市场。

Japanese DJ based in Shanghai since 2003. Founder of Asian Vibes. His sets are meant to be effective to techno crowds, they work like a charm, but expect the flawlessly unexpected. Started project "China Debut Series" in 2013, invited many international artists to Shanghai for their debut performance, while keep exploring the Chinese underground electronic scene with local djs.

   日期 DATE   

March 17th Sun. 10:00PM - late

3月17日 周日晚10点至深夜

   地点 VENUE   

ARKHAM, 168 Julu Lu, Shanghai 


   门票 TICKET   

预售票Presale: 70
现场票Door: 100



   阵容 LINEUP   

Kim Bo Yeon
Max shen



A. 3月所有月卡会员免票入场3月3日ARKHAM五周年庆生派对和ARKHAM嘻哈夜

a/ MAR: Free entry to Mar.3rd ARKHAM 5th anniversary party and ARKHAM's HIPHOP NIGHT.

B. 每场畅饮3杯全月通用

(不限使用人数, 还能灌醉朋友)

b/ Arkham 3 drinks of all activities common to all(Not limited only one user)

C.  每周随机抽取若干会员免票入场


c/ Randomly selected members will be given free entry every week  (You’ve got a good chance!)

D. 不限使用人可转让


d/ Transferable to others  (Friends can take turns)


Long press on the QR code to purchase  Drink Cards


   日期 DATE   

March 15th Thu. 10:00PM - late

3月15日 周四晚10点至深夜

   地点 VENUE   

ARKHAM, 168 Julu Lu, Shanghai 


   门票 TICKET   

DOOR现场票|50 RMB 含赠饮


   阵容 LINEUP   




   日期 DATE   

March 16th Sat. 10:00PM - late

3月16日 周五晚10点至深夜

   地点 VENUE   

ARKHAM, 168 Julu Lu, Shanghai 


   门票 TICKET   



DOOR现场票|260 RMB/240RMB for SHFT. Wechat Follower.(关注SHFT公众号享受20元折扣)

     购票链接:     http://zaomengshe.com/c/1368436

购票二维码 | QR CODE:

   阵容 LINEUP   






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